After Christianity Today editorial, let’s change focus from ourselves to others
Commentary - Orlando Sentinel 12/24/19 - Dr. Joel C. Hunter
The recent editorial from a long respected magazine, Christianity Today, called for the removal of President Trump from office and touched off an especially fierce firestorm in Evangelical circles. It has provoked the usual “for Trump” and “against Trump” responses, and set off a new round of labeling any opposition as “radical.”
There is another, more constructive, response that could be developed. This response doesn’t concentrate on the elections but on the practical help our neighbors need.
First, let me be open about my relationships. I consider the author of the editorial, Mark Galli, a friend. We meet every year at a small national forum for Jewish and evangelical leaders. He is a conscientious and thoughtful Christian in whom there is no propensity for unnecessary conflict.
Second, I just returned from a White House summit on transforming mental health treatment to combat homelessness and substance abuse, at which President Trump’s talk brought great support for that cause. I have many friends in the present administration as well as the last one. I was invited to the summit so that I could bring back needed contacts and resources for our challenges in Central Florida.
Having friends in camps of “for/against,” and in between, can we opt for a third approach that would require enough restraint on voicing our judgments to actually help people in need now? We all have personal reasons to support and oppose this president, and we can vote accordingly; but are those judgments so necessary to state that they become the focus, rather than focusing on the population for whom the election is being held?
We are living in a culture where self-expression is paramount. The “selfie” age promotes the mentality of recruiting “likes” for our own image being featured in life’s events. The craze is especially self-promoting if we can voice our opinion on headline events or people. We attempt to elevate our assessments of issues so that we can be among the leading voices.
The problem is, when we are elevating our own opinion/stature or that of our own group/cause, we are not helping those not like us. We are not helping those who are struggling with everyday life because we are too preoccupied with the famous and being among them.
Here’s an idea: For those of us who believe in a God of justice as well as mercy, how about leaving ultimate judgment in God’s court? We can voice our values and principles but refrain from going ad hominem, accusing opponents by name. That would help us stay focused on the challenges and solutions we all need to address.
It seems like we are always in an election season, but the basis of the election could be about who has the best chance to solve the problems plaguing us all. For this more constructive approach, we would need to ask an even more important question: “How do I both personally respond to the needs around me and access the help of local, state and national resources — no matter who is in office?”
I have worked with every president in recent history, including the present one, to improve my community — especially for those who are most vulnerable.